Thera-pupdate #2: Mixed emotions and managing overwhelm

It’s still just over a week before Seren joins us at Headspace Guildford, but already emotions are running high.

It’s so interesting that we so often ask how things are, and expect a clear cut answer. We can deal with ‘fine’ or even ‘not so great’ but when we get ‘I don’t know’ or ‘very mixed’ it’s often hard to know how to respond. But really, so many situations leave us feeling all over the place, or not really sure how we feel.

Or in my case simultaneously so excited and scared and a little frightened and full of joy. I can’t wait for Seren to join us. I see a really bright future ahead of her and many good things coming out of her joining us. But the task ahead of me seems immense and I’m full of doubts and questions.What if I don’t get her food right and she’s hungry? What if she falls ill? What if she doesn’t want to be a therapy dog? what if I don’t train her well enough? What if she chews up the house and the office? What if she changes things for the worse? What if…. I could go on endlessly.

I have days when I’ve felt quite worried and other days when it feels a bit more manageable. Sometimes talking to people really helps and reassures me. At other times it makes me realise I’m being naive and that the task ahead is immense.

It’s at times like these that I’m grateful for my training which means I have strategies to manage when I’m feeling overwhelmed. I’m mindfully breathing a lot. I’m researching and preparing which has always helped me feel more in control. I’m reminding myself that thoughts are just thoughts and not facts. I’m using all the tools in my arsenal. This is great because whilst I’ve felt nervous and anxious it’s not got to the point of overwhelming me. It’s a good example of times when we have to manage ourselves and our brains by keeping things in perspective. I’m grateful for the support of great friends and family and lots of guidance on my journey. I’m not letting myself get too far ahead. I’ll manage the first few days and go from there, keeping an eye on the future but not getting too tangled up there just yet.

Plus, with a face like this, it’s joy that wins out for me in this situation. I’ll keep you posted on how it’s going once we’re knee deep in toilet training!