What life was like growing up

I promised here (http://headspaceguildford.co.uk/what-is-mental-health/) that I would post on how life growing up impacts on our mental health. This is a tricky area to write a short blog about because it’s complicated. It would be easy to blame all our problems on what happened to us when we were little, and therefore think we haveContinue reading “What life was like growing up”

Looking down the tracks and taking the long view

So, you’re on the platform, staring down the tracks, having missed that train (see last week’s blog http://headspaceguildford.co.uk/trains-traffic-and-emotional-regulation/) and feeling awful. Just at that moment it seems like the worst thing in the world.  Feeling overwhelmed and not quite sure how you’re going to manage, beyond holding back the tears or the impulse to punchContinue reading “Looking down the tracks and taking the long view”

Trains, traffic and emotional regulation

Emotional regulation is the term we use to talk about how we manage big feelings. It’s a skill we all need in life and sometimes we are better at it than at other times. There are always going to be times when the feelings just feel too much, are too big to handle. Have youContinue reading “Trains, traffic and emotional regulation”

You are good enough.

As I  think I’ve mentioned before, I’ve got a quote on the wall at the Headspace Guildford office that says “no one has got it all figured out”(http://headspaceguildford.co.uk/inside-out/ ) . I love it because it’s so true. But so often we compare ourselves with others and find ourselves wanting. Or we compare ourselves with someContinue reading “You are good enough.”