Today’s blog was written by Freya Love, Assistant Psychologist at Headspace Guildford. This blog is the second in our series of relaxation techniques and will focus on a guided imagery relaxation. Guided imagery relaxations involve the visualisation of calming and peaceful settings, like a beach or a meadow. This is a powerful relaxation technique, asContinue reading “Relaxation using guided imagery”
Author Archives: Ellie
Journeys towards and into Clinical Psychology
As a practice we recognise that Clinical Psychology is a hard profession to get into. This is even harder if you are from the global majority, have a disability or are from a lower-income household. We think this is not right. We’re doing what we can (and in a very small way) to change this.Continue reading “Journeys towards and into Clinical Psychology”
Supporting people in loss
Recently, in the community where I live, 2 families have lost one of their parents. Both families have young children. 2 families grieving the loss of people who should have been there to take their children to school, watch them play football, wipe their tears, tuck them in bed. It’s sad beyond words. Those familiesContinue reading “Supporting people in loss”
Action for Happiness
Today’s blog was written by Freya Love, Assistant Psychologist and Dr Ellie Atkins at Headspace Guildford. We are wishing everyone a very happy new year from Headspace Guildford. This blog is inspired by the Action for Happiness organisation. Action for Happiness create calendars for every month, with tasks and reminders for you. They aim toContinue reading “Action for Happiness”
Looking after your mental health in the Holiday Season
Today’s blog was written by Freya Love, Assistant Psychologist at Headspace Guildford. Today is December 8th, and is the time of year that many people are starting to feel truly festive and in a Holiday spirit. And for good reason; there is a lot to love about this time of year, like the crispContinue reading “Looking after your mental health in the Holiday Season”
A self care advent calendar
It’s that time of year again. Things start to get really crazy. If you’re a parent you’ll be juggling Christmas mufti days and reindeer runs and bake sales and Christmas shows and nativity performances and and and…. If you’re a young person reading this you’re probably juggling mock exams or tests, trying to makeContinue reading “A self care advent calendar”
Journeys towards and into Clinical Psychology
Welcome to the start of our new blog theme on ‘Journeys towards and into Clinical Psychology’. This blog introduces the series. The first blog will follow soon. If you’re a qualified or aspiring Clinical Psychologist, particularly from a background who are underrepresented in the profession then please do email Ellie ( if you are interestedContinue reading “Journeys towards and into Clinical Psychology”
Relaxations: Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Today’s blog was written by Freya Love, Assistant Psychologist at Headspace Guildford. Before reading this blog, let’s take a moment to check in with how our bodies are feeling. Sometimes when we are feeling stressed or anxious, we hold that tension in our body, and carry it around with us throughout our day. Notice yourContinue reading “Relaxations: Progressive Muscle Relaxation”
New beginnings
Today’s blog was written by Freya Love, Assistant Psychologist at Headspace Guildford. Today is the first day of my new job here at Headspace Guildford. While January is traditionally considered the time of resolutions and beginnings, I think for many of us September is truly the month of fresh starts. It might be a newContinue reading “New beginnings”
Settle and chill…teaching ourselves, our children and our puppies to be calm
Usually at this time of year I write a post about going back to school and perhaps how anxious you, or your children (or both) are feeling about this. As ever, much of our work at this time of year is about this. So if you’re nervous about going back to school do check outContinue reading “Settle and chill…teaching ourselves, our children and our puppies to be calm”